Bethlehem 2

025.-25-1 = The Grotto of the Nativity - Interior
A rectangular shaped cave,35 feet by 1- feet in size,with two entrances,leading to the Holy Manger.
The spot where Christ was born is marked with a silver star with the latin in inscription "Hic de Maria Virgine Jesus Christus Natus est"(Here Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin Mary)

026 = The Church of the Nativity - Interior
One of the most interesting churches,stands over and around the cave in which Jesus christ was born. In the right you can see one of the two small entrances to the Grotto.
Left. Above.Four rows of the redstone columns divide the Basilica of the Nativity into five aisles. The floor is wooden.The decoration of the columns are due to the Crusaders.Under the small manhole in the center there are very fine Constantinian mosaics.

027 = The Star of Behtlehem
When they had heard the King they departed and Lo the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was. Matt 2:9

The famous silver star in the interior of the Grotto of the Nativity.
The Grotto whichis lit by 48 lamps,is 35 feet by 10 feet in size has
two stairways which lead to it.
The inscription on the star is in Latin and says:Here Jesus Christ was born from the Virgin Mary.

029 = Church of St. Catherine - interior
To the left and above.
In this church,Christians celebrate Christmas on the night of December 24.

030 = The Child of Bethlehem lies in the crib from Christmas to Epiphany.

031 = One of the two entrances of the Grotto of Nativity.