The Saharan Berber of North Africa.

Latest estimates from the World Evangelization Research Center.

Group Name Country Language 1995 Population % Christian Scripture Availability Jesus Film Christian Broadcasts Mission Agenicies
Figig Berber Algeria figig 23,500 0% None None None None
Ghardaia Berber Algeria nzabi 102,600 0.01% None None None None
Gourara Berber Algeria gurara 55,900 0.01% None None None None
Menasser Berber Algeria menasser 14,100 0% None None None None
Mozabite Berber Algeria mzabi 102,600 0.01% None None None None
Tidikelt Berber Algeria tidihelt 14,000 0.03% None None None None
Tit Berber Algeria tit 0.02% None None None None
Tougourt Berber Algeria tougourt 55,900 0.01% None None None None
Tuat Berber Algeria tuat 55,900 0.01% None None None None
Wargla Berber Algeria wargla 12,100 0.01% None None None None
Zekara Berber Algeria tamazight 58,700 0% Portions Available Available None
Siwa Berber Egypt siwah 35,200 0% None None None None
Gadames Berber Libya ghudamis 4,800 0.05% Portions None None None
Jalo Berber Libya barqi 33,500 0.01% Bible Available Available None
Jofra Berber Libya al-jawf 22,200 0% None None None None
Nefusa Berber Libya nefusi 167,400 0% None None None None
Zenaga Berber Mauritania znaga 20,100 0% None None None 1
Drawa Berber Morocco tachelit 353,600 0.01% Portions Available Available None
Filala Berber Morocco tachelit 260,200 0% Portions Available Available None
Ghomara Berber Morocco ghomara 53,600 0.01% None None None None
Zekara Berber Morocco tamazight 52,600 0% Portions Available Available None

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