KCM Purposes
The purposes of this society are to propagate the spirit and truth of Christ through
democratic, self governing activities; to preach the power and Gospel of God in the present
age of the sweeping current of heighten science in which people do not fear God while
making an idol of science; to help people make the most of ever developing science for the
cause of God; and to gather accurate information about the legacies of belief left by our
ancestors and pass then on to future generations in a correct and prompt way.
KCM Goals
We will pay a tribute of praise to the achievements by our ancestors of belief who spared no sacrifices for sowing the seeds of Gospel in this land until Korean churches of today have come to be.
We will seek for one church, while repenting of the history of divided churches which wereally regret.
We will gather and analyze information about christianity to set the direction in which Korean churches should go.