Asia Evangelical College & Seminary

India Evangelical Church Trust
(Registered by the Goverment)

St. Paul School

School of Mission & Evangelism

The experience gained during the five years in North Africa and later starting the M.T.C(Missionary Training Centre) in Bombay in 1984 for church leadership and equipping reliable, dedicated Christians for evangelism and church planting gavethe founders the strength of meeting the needs in India for missiological education and evangelistic trainng. Estabilishing AECS, IEC, St. Paul School and the School of Mission & Evangelism since March, 1988 in Bangalore was the result of of all previous experience. Already in the year 1983 partnership and co-working in mission had enabled to establish and give education in a Chrishian School in Salem, Tamil Nadu.

The founding of these institutions was the fruit of the ardent and prayerful seeking to serve the Lord and was in response to the vision that God had given Mrs. M.Gloria chung two decades earlier in 1977 in Seoul. Asia Evangelical College & Seminary has been blessed to train and equi nearly 600 students from all over India and neighbouring countrise like Nepal, Myanmar, and other places.

AECS College & Seminary offers B.Min(Bachelor of Ministry), B.Th.(Bachelor of theology), M.Min.(Master of  Ministry)and M.Div.(Master of Ministry). Plans are afoot for the introducing of a doctoral Degree, D.Min.(Doctor of Ministry). AECS is a Bible centred, Evangelical, international and interdenominational institution.


  1. To be seed-bed and base-camp for training dedicated young men and women for the task of the total evangelization of India and the neighbouring countries in Asia and world.
  2. To train and equip reliable, obedient, useful, useable and simple and single minded men and women to be disciples- making disciples.
  3. To raise Bible convicted pastors and full-time workers and leaders who can take responsible positions in Church and in Society.


  1. Pray for the President, Faculty, Administrative Staff and Students of AECS College & Seminary.
  2. Pray for the our Library needs - books and reading room.
  3. Pray for a proper Chapel for the AECS College & Seminary and Sunday worship.