The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles

[Flag] Tajikistan is a former Soviet republic in Central Asia located on the far western border of China. The Pamir and Tien-Shan Mountains cover 93% of the nation. Tajikistan is rich in minerals, coal, oil, and hydro-electric power, but years of Communist mismanagement were
economically and ecologically devastating.

After independence from the USSR in 1991, Tajikistan became embroiled in a civil war between the reformed Communists and the more democratically minded. The civil war brought suffering and bitterness to Tajikistan, with thousands killed and thousands of refugees.

Political turmoil makes the status of religious freedom uncertain, but the rapidly growing Muslim majority persecutes Christianity. Since the advent of Islam over 1000 years ago, Tajikistan has has had little opportunity to be exposed to the Gospel.


For further information and specific prayer points for Tajikistan,
look up the book
"Operation World" by Patrick Johnstone.

Select a People Group

Jewish, Kazak, Kyrgyz, Shughni, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek.

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