The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles
Comoros Islands

[Flag] The Comoro Islands, are a group of islands in the Indian Ocean located between Madagascar and the east coast of Africa. The Republic declared itself independent from France in 1975, but one island, Mayotte, seceded to remain a French overseas territory.

Islanders were completely unevangelized before 1973. They are strong Muslims, but also deeply involved in occult practices and spirit possession. Yet many young people are disillusioned with life in Islamic society which offers so little hope.

Today, open Christian witness is still forbidden. Despite suffering intense persecution, and not legally being permitted to meet openly, Comorian believers have steadily increased in numbers through the witness and leadership of the first convert.


For further information and specific prayer points for the Comoros,
look up the book
"Operation World" by Patrick Johnstone.

Select a People Group

Mwali Comorian, Ngazija Comorians, Nzwani Comorian.

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