The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles
United Kingdom

[Flag] The United Kingdom is a union of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The union is dominated culturally and economically by England, so much that the words "England" and "UK" are often used interchangeably. The UK had the world's first industrialized economy, but fifty years of problems have caused it to steadily decline.

The lands of the UK have enjoyed a long history of global influence and individual freedom. At its height in the 1800's, the British Empire controlled one fourth of the world's population. Since the early 1900's nearly the entire empire was granted independence, and the UK began a transition from a world power to a member of the European Union.

The UK has religious freedom, though England and Scotland both have official churches. Recent years have seen the church decline dramatically. Many "Christians"
have no meaningful link with Christianity.


For further information and specific prayer points for the UK,
look up the book
"Operation World" by Patrick Johnstone.

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