The Ryukyuan of Japan.

Latest estimates from the World Evangelization Research Center.

Group Name Country Language 1995 Population % Christian Scripture Availability Jesus Film Christian Broadcasts Mission Agenicies
Kunigarmi Japan kunigarmi 122,100 2.8% None None None 6
Northern Amami-Oshima Japan ishima 74,800 2.4% None None None 2
Oki-no-erabu Japan oki-no-erabu 18,100 2.8% None None None 2
Southern Amami-Oshima Japan southern Oshima 16,400 2.5% None None None 4
Southern Ryukyuan Japan miyako 66,600 2.7% None None Available 3
Toku-no-shima Japan toku-no-shima 37,900 3% None None None 4
Yayeyama Japan yayeyama 46,900 2% None None None 3

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