The Unreached Peoples Prayer Profiles
Burkina Faso

[Flag] Burkina Faso, "land of upright man" (formerly known as Upper Volta) is a landlocked plateau located in West Africa. Prone to drought and famine, many of the Burkinabe' (people of Burkina Faso) have had to migrate to other lands.

Defining itself as "revolutionary, democratic, anti-imperialist and secular", the 1987 military coup halted many of the extremes of the former regime (which was far less sympathetic to Christian churches and missionaries). The present climate is favorable to Christian outreach and aid programs.

Despite church growth, increased missionary exertions and greater responsiveness, there remain over 28 peoples without an effective witness; 13 of these are Muslim.


For further information and specific prayer points for Burkina Faso,
look up the book
"Operation World" by Patrick Johnstone.

Select a People Group

Bedouin Arab, Bobo Jula, Bolon, Doghosie, Fula, Gurenne, Gurma Fulani, Jaan, Jula, Kolsi, Liptako Fulani, Lobi, Malinke, Nanerge Senufo, Niangolo Senufo, Puguli, Samogho, Siamou, Songhai, Soninke, Tagba Senufo, Tiefo, Toussian, Tuareg, Turka, Wala, Western Karaboro, Zaore.

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